Park Ave Dental Aesthetics started with one goal in mind: your oral health.
The health of your mouth impacts the health of your whole body. From routine cleanings and checkups to dental surgical procedures, you need a dentist in Weehawken you can trust to address any oral concerns and treat all of your family’s needs.
That’s why we opened Park Ave Dental Aesthetics: to provide you and your family with personalized, high quality dental care.
We will communicate honestly and listen to your concerns and address your needs to ensure your treatment is a success. We will provide you with a personalized treatment plan designed to reach a healthy and perfect smile.
At Park Ave Dental Aesthetics, we are elevating the experience of oral health and dentistry by combining treatments you trust, a team who understands your needs, and an environment that soothes.
We want you to feel amazing about your oral health every time you smile.
Dr. Dennis Rivera
Doctor of Dental Surgery
Founder, Park Ave Dental Aesthetics
Our team of highly-trained dentists, hygienists and team members are dedicated to providing a soothing and modern dental experience.
We bring you high-quality dentistry that’s personalized, compassionate, and honest. We look forward to seeing you and your family at your next appointment.
Book online or call (201) 864-4730.